This article describes how to enable/disable your local and cloud recording settings, as well as AI settings in Zoom.
Columbia College Remote Work and Staff Support Resources
This site is intended to provide, in one centralized location, the tools and resources needed to facilitate remote work, remain productive, and continue to propel the work of the College in support of our faculty, students, families and alumni in an unprecedented time for our community. This is also a space where College staff will be provided with access to information and the support needed in a challenging, dynamic and quickly evolving situation.
Data and Security Breach Reporting
Last Edit: 10/23/2017
This document outlines processes for identification, reporting, and response to a data breach, systems compromise, or other electronic security incident. CCIT is obligated and committed to compliance with University policy, as well as city, state, and federal laws. This policy provides guidance when there is a breach in acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of sensitive information. Data may be protected under FERPA, HIPAA, and GDPR regulations.
Columbia College Network Storage Policy
Last Edit: 10/29/2018
The network storage made available to Columbia College employees is a limited resource. Centralized electronic storage is a community resource and these policies are intended to ensure equitable usage of this shared commodity. This document provides guidance regarding what may and may not be stored in this space in order to best preserve its utility for College-related business. This storage is provided for the purpose of storing data and files related to school academic, business, and research purposes.
College Technology Purchases
Last Edit: 07/26/2018
All technology purchases made by any employee or unit within the College should be governed by a guiding set of protocols. This document seeks to define how to evaluate technology needs and how to get approval for technology purchases. Purchases should not be allowed without consultation with CCIT and CC Purchasing. The review process is intended to ensure: