This article describes how to enable/disable your local and cloud recording settings, as well as AI settings in Zoom.
Columbia VPN Software
Follow these instructions to download, install, and run Columbia’s VPN software.
You only need to download and install the Columbia VPN client software once. Once it is installed on your computer, you can search for and launch the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to connect to the Columbia VPN at any time.
Remote Desktop Services (RDS)
CCIT's Remote Desktop Services (RDS) provides a remote Windows desktop, allowing Columbia College staff to access their network drives and certain CCIT-supported software from off-campus.
Columbia College Remote Work and Staff Support Resources
This site is intended to provide, in one centralized location, the tools and resources needed to facilitate remote work, remain productive, and continue to propel the work of the College in support of our faculty, students, families and alumni in an unprecedented time for our community. This is also a space where College staff will be provided with access to information and the support needed in a challenging, dynamic and quickly evolving situation.